Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Energy Independence (STEP ONE)

Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com

I am interested in changing the energy use in the USA. For stationary use, Atomic power, Hydroelectric, Windmills & Solar panels etc. These systems will also Generate Hydrogen for mobile use. This will stop the generation of green house gases by the USA completely. Cap & trade will only continue the use of carbon based fuels!! If you can buy more credits why stop using them? They will just pass the cost on to the consumer. Why not stop carbon usage completely.

There continues to be a debate over the cause of global warming. I have written in, my Blog, “A simple mans view of Global Warming” on the subject myself. Is it caused by humans or is it a natural effect? Switching to alternate power sources would get us out of the equation completely. It also will give use an uninterruptable energy source that will not damage the planet in any way! We could drive those big SUVs if they were powered by Hydrogen!!

There is a lot of hot air flying around Washington. The country is running record deficits and mailing checks that they call a stimulus. If we had low cost energy it would solve our problems. Every one of us uses energy in one form or another. Our main source of energy comes from a part of the world that doesn't like us much. Ross Perot proposed an energy tax during his campaign. It was to replace the income tax.

Oil or natural gas must be brought here on large tankers or pump from wells out in the ocean. All this just drives up the cost. Those ships are expensive and so are those wells out in the Gulf. All this just drives up the cost. I can't stress the cost of energy more. It is the main commodity in everything that we do and have. It even affects our medicines, and our medical care. Our entertainment depends on it. Taking a trip to grandmas depends on it. Our foods are trucked in by it. I think you get my point. It is the thing that separated us from the animals. Everything that we do since the caveman discovered fire has depended on it.

This is not a political document. Energy independence is not a left or right issue. Energy powers our life. Environmentalists want us to ride bikes. China gobbles fuel and is using more every day. Any talk about drilling in Alaska is at least 5 years away. Even when it starts we have nowhere to refine it. Alaska also has started a new natural gas pipeline and it is heading south.

China is very rapidly catching up with us in energy usage. We buy their stuff and their economy grows requiring more energy. The china, followed closely by India, is becoming our biggest competitor on the world’s oil market, and they are using our money to do it. Everything we buy that is made in China or India requires them to use energy.

Our leaders say this is an enormous business opportunity for us. This is only true if we or a large international company. We the people need low cost energy to produce our products. The cheaper it is the better we can compete. Our competition has low labor costs so fuel cost doesn’t impact their end product price as much as it does ours.

It is obvious that we should not lower our salaries. The feeling I get from the government lately is that is what they would like to see happen. The real answer is very simple. Develop a low-cost energy supply, one that does not require gigantic expensive ships, huge ugly derricks in our oceans or destroy our countryside. Cannot cause an oil slick, and like any other explosive fuel if it is handled correctly. It is very safe. That fuel is hydrogen the ultimate reusable power source.

It makes no sense to put our country into a Cap & trade program. It's going to raise prices of our energy not lower them. It will make us less competitive in the world, not more competitive. I wonder what we're going to be making. Obama talks about jobs, making windmills and solar panels. Making them requires energy. China and India have the technology and they know how to use it. We have given it or sold it to them. Their products will be cheaper, and we will buy them. No jobs for us!!

The big General Electric windmill plant is in Spain. I am sure that China and India are gearing up to produce windmills and solar panels. India is about to start construction on two atomic power plants arranged for by our Secretary of State, and being built by US companies. Guess where the jobs will be? Why are we helping India construct atomic power plants? Why aren't we expediting ours?

Those of you that have read some of my other blogs know that I believe it is big oil that is stopping the development of alternate fuel sources. Our oil companies have very large overseas investments. All those oil derrick's cost money. China and India are increasing their demand. Their heart is not here in the USA. The oil-producing countries are not in favor of reducing carbon-based energy. For many, it is their only income. The shift that I propose to hydrogen will have a worldwide affect.

The oil production in Iraq is still well below prewar levels. Personally I would not be so quick to get out of Iraq. As we withdraw we should leave them a bill to be paid with oil. One of the reasons China defends Iran in the UN is the oil they receive from them. We get upset, but all they are doing is looking out for their interests with little worry about us. It’s up to us to worry about ourselves.

My old employer IBM sold their personal computer division to China. IBM developed the PC and China got all that development. It puts them in competition with all of the top PC builders in the world. China also bought up parts of World-Com when they collapsed. That is major parts of the fiber optics network that carries a lot of our Internet traffic.

They have also constructed The Three Gorges Dam. It is the world’s largest electricity-generating plant of any kind. It is to supply their country with cheap & clean energy. They will have cheap labor and cheap energy. All this is great for China, but who is worrying about us.

We are being told that we should cut back on the use of carbon-based fuels. Many of the countries in the world like China and India are doing their best to use more. We've got to realize that cutting back on the use of energy is the wrong thing for this country to do. The right thing to do is to develop a clean source of energy. One that is limitless and economical. We have the technology. Let's not give it away this time. Let’s use it. The American way is to move forward, not backward. We need a leader that puts the USA first. A leader that realizes the basis of the US economy is energy!!

I hear our president saying that he cannot believe that a country that put a man on the moon in 10 years cannot develop clean coal. The words “cannot develop clean coal”, worry me. That means we do not have it yet. Why spend development money and time when there is a better choice. If he were to state that he cannot believe that a country that put a man on the moon in 10 years, cannot develop hydrogen a truly limitless, clean energy, reusable system in 5 years. It would make scientific and economical sense.

John Kennedy put us on the moon in 10 years because of his enthusiasm and belief in the United States. Mr. Obama is a great speaker let him get behind hydrogen. Selling carbon credits is just a way to get money, and it does not help any of us except those who buy and sell credits. It will make us less competitive in the world and lower our standard of living and not create one single job. In fact, it will put people out of work, if a company can't afford the carbon credits. They will have to shut down or move overseas. To China or India, or they don't care about carbon credits.

He states that he is an environmentalist. I wonder what he is going to say to the people in the Midwest when all the strip mines start showing up. This coal will also run out, and like our debt. The problem will be passed on to our grandchildren.

There are 13 countries that have signed the Kyoto agreement. China and India are not members of the 13. They are the top two most populous countries in the world. China has 20% of the world’s population. India comes in second with 18%. The total of both countries is 3.2 billion. That is 38% of the of the world population. The USA comes in at 310 million 4.6% percent of the world’s population. If the trend continues by the year 2011 the world’s population will exceed 7 billion. Even if our population doubles, we won't be one billion. They will all want energy.

If we don't fix the energy problem now, we will be a minority country. The competition for carbon-based products will drive our cost of living through the roof. Remember when their oil runs out, they will want ours. Let's make a giant step forward. Let’s switch to a fuel that is limitless. Once it is in full production it will be the cheapest fuel ever.

It is expected that the 13 countries with operational Kyoto protocol targets will remain below their agreed minimum greenhouse emissions. These countries will therefore be sellers of carbon credits. When money starts being made from carbon credits, greed will take over. We will never get rid of them until the oil and coal are gone. What is best for the average person will be forgotten.

On the surface another country selling carbon credits doesn't sound so bad. Think about it. Energy has been the base of man's progress. What this statement tells you is these countries will be stagnant. They will have sold their ability to move forward. The citizenry will not tolerate that. We will end up with another North Korea. Only this time, they will be using carbon in secret not building bombs.

I could keep giving examples of the competition we are facing in the world for our energy. I believe, loose of our technical base is only one of the problems we face. To keep our way of life moving ahead we most have low cost energy. Even the environmentalists should see this. If we stopped burning fossil fuel today it will do nothing to help global warming now.

We know that oil and coal are going to run out. Hydrogen never will. China and India have already far exceeded our energy use. China with the three gorges dam in India's two new atomic power plants, Japan already has 25 that will be making hydrogen from sea water. They are moving forward on the energy front. Yet we are being asked to go backwards. It is not the American way. We do not back up!

China and India have 3.2 billion people all wanting to drive an SUV. The 310 million of us stopping carbon use completely have no affect on the 3.2 billion of them. Stopping carbon-based fuels usage will stop the draining of our countries, pocketbook to support the rest of the world. Boone Pickens called it the largest transfer of wealth in human history!

Stopping us from progressing, is the wrong thing to do, energy independence must mean independence from fossil fuels. Not independence from using energy, which will shut us down and lose us jobs and our standard of living. Who would care if a person was driving a big RV if it were not polluting the air. If it contributes nothing to global warming. Even the Greener's would drive one.

Diesel fuel sure does fill our cities with smog. The flipside is someone had to build the vehicles. If they were hydrogen powered it would mean jobs, jobs, jobs. The way it is going. It means loss of jobs, jobs, jobs.

I hear that we are being asked to insulate our houses, and to drive smaller less powerful cars.

I hear you saying, Bob we should we not try to save the environment?

I ask you this question. Why are we not developing energy to let us do what we want to do? It does exist. That is the American way. That is how you create jobs. When you stop things you stop jobs even insulating a house may give a job for a day. But you will never do it again in your lifetime. Buying a new car many times it is an emotional thing and you may buy two or three of them in 10 years. The vehicles that are being described as the vehicles of the future will be held on to until the wheels fall off.

I'm sure that you have noticed that all the talk about energy saving vehicles only pertains to our vehicles. The planes and trains and boats will still run on carbon-based fuels. Only the military has atomic power. Our aircraft carriers and submarines run on it. I have not seen a bunch of green sailors running around lately. And they live a lot closer to those reactors than any of us ever will. We are being sold a bill of goods. The big oil companies continue to block it. Reactors can produce the hydrogen. Hydrogen will run the rest. I repeat, it is limitless and completely green when it burns. It produces water.

The military has plenty of atomic material. We have been making it since the 40s. There is enough atomic material stored to run this country for a thousand years. We pay for every ounce of it lets use it. We also have been buying a lot of the Russians weapon grade material. Just to get it off the market. We have its stockpiled in secret facilities around the country. No one knows just how much there really is.

Let's turn it around and use it for power. Opponents of atomic power will tell you the reactors are too heavy to put in a plane and that is true, but a tank of hydrogen is not. And it is not radioactive. The atomic power is excellent for stationary use on land or large sea born vehicles. Again I repeat hydrogen will do the rest.

Anyone that understands the science knows Hydrogen and atomic power are the fuels of the future. They should be brought on line now. Fuel cells that use Hydrogen are being developed and someday will be in common use. Why not push up the development and do it now?

We need a transition period to move us from one fuel to the other as rapidly as we can. We should never take a detour trying to develop something like clean coal. During the Second World War it took us three years to build the biggest bang in history from a totally unknown to science. (Nuclear power)

It was done by a bunch of people pushing slide rules and a very dedicated female workforce operating the controls. We need a leader that will dedicate building something like that again. This time it is an energy system, we need to build. They were not trying to change our society. They were trying to save it. Kennedy did the same thing when we went to the moon. We need a leader that champions cheap energy!! Alternate power systems producing electricity and hydrogen is the answer.

Presently we have millions of internal combustion vehicles on the road. I hear you asking can an internal combustion engine run on Hydrogen. Yes there are several auto companies are running them. BMW has one operating in Germany.

I built one when I was 14 years. If a 14-year-old kid can make an engine run on hydrogen in 1948. Not only did I make the engine run. I built a unit that produced the hydrogen. What I did was dangerous, but it did produce hydrogen and the engine did run. Our great modern knowledge technology sure can make that practical.

These are the words that should come out of Obama's mouth. The same kit that converts your vehicle to natural gas with minor modifications will work with Hydrogen. The gases can be mixed making modifications unnecessary. That is similar to adding methanol to gasoline. Most engines running on natural gas have to be started using gasoline. The addition of hydrogen to the mix would make that unnecessary and burn cleaner. It is still not a completely clean burn, but is headed in the right way. The percentage of hydrogen can be increased as availability increases. Vehicle computers can be programmed to compensate for the mix.

Building a pure hydrogen distribution system will take time. The existing natural gas distribution system will carry the hydrogen, natural gas mix. We need to start introducing hydrogen into our natural gas distribution network now. The percentage of hydrogen can be increased as the availability increases. If we don't start now, it will only delay things. To date we have not even started Japan has. California has talked about it. I don't know how far they have gotten.

The use of hydrogen is not new. City Gas that was used for so many years when they cooked coal was mostly hydrogen and some parts methane. The fear of hydrogen, that was developed because of the Hindenburg disaster made them call at city gas.

The question is what we do in the short term? The first step is to separate our energy usage into 4 parts fixed, mobile, airborne and seaborne. The second step is to establish if and existing asset can run on synthetic or alternative fuel such as Ethanol or Bio Degradable diesel. This way fuels can be allocated on the bases of time until conversion to hydrogen.

Development of electric cars that use batteries should be stopped.

There is a law in physics that states “energy in equals’ energy out minus efficiency”. This means the energy for charging the batteries has to come from somewhere. Somewhere will be coal-fired generating stations pumping more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

This will force them to purchase the proposed carbon credits and strip mine the Midwest. And guess who gets the bill? We have just passed on the cost to someone else. That someone else is us when we get the electric bill. Unlike hydrogen and atomic power it also pushes off the problem into the future. The coal will run out. Oh those poor grandkids.

Batteries are expensive and they are dangerous. If not disposed of correctly they are toxic and a health hazard. This will produce waste that the grandkids will have to handle. Money used to develop a new type of car battery could help us bring hydrogen online. A small carbon fiber storage tank filled with hydrogen contains 10 times the energy of one of these new batteries and is less than half the weight. They work just like a storage battery. They store the energy. Storage tanks have no known life expectancy. Battery estimates say one year or two and they are expensive. Just like the battery can be charged a storage tank can be refilled. The advantage is it can be refilled over and over and will last forever.

The transition should be from internal combustion engines converted for a natural gas to fuel cell vehicles. The tanks could be filled with a mix of natural gas and hydrogen. Other types of gases can be used for fuel cells, including methane.

These words are from our EPA a development effort you paid for “LFG” is Land Fill Gas which is methane (Natural Gas)

“Fuel cells are one of the newest and most innovative ways to generate power. At this point, the technology works much like a battery fueled by LFG. A fuel cell extracts hydrogen from the methane in LFG and mixes it with oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water. The Fuel Cell produces no combustible parts that can harm the environment.

Prior to development of the gas cleanup technology designed and used in this project, use of landfill gas to power fuel cells was not possible due to contaminants in the gas such as sulfur and halides. Under contract from EPA, ONSI set out to show that using landfill gas to power fuel cells is technically and environmentally feasible in commercial operation.”

We paid for this development effort. I know it was done for landfills, but the same technique could be used on a vehicle with a storage tank full of natural gas. There are several places in the US right now that run on natural gas in their buses. The Honda Civic Gx is available in Utah. Utah has natural gas available in many areas. It is clean and economical. A distribution system for natural gas can be used for hydrogen and the mix.

There is so much technology out there, and it is ready to go. We just need a good plan that makes it work. Similar to the plan Kennedy gave use when we went to the moon. He didn't say we can't tell him we can't develop clean coal. He gave us a goal and a plan and my generation fulfilled it. Energy has a greater priority than Eisenhower had when he proposed the interstate highway system. We need an interstate energy system similar to the REA.

“Electrification Administration (REA), created under President Roosevelt the REA was created on May 11, 1935 with the primary goal of promoting rural electrification. In the 1930s, the U.S. lagged significantly behind Europe in providing electricity to rural areas due to the unwillingness of power companies to serve farmsteads.”

We have a similar situation today in the 30s it was the power companies that were not servicing our farms. Today, I believe it is the oil companies are blocking us from getting a new type of energy system in place. We are starting to lag behind the world in energy. France is now 90% atomic, and many of the European countries are coming online fast. So are Japan, India and China. We are being asked to drive smaller cars, and lower our standard of living. This is the wrong direction.

I know it is great to talk about medical reform, and I am a believer that something needs to be done. But if there is no money there will be no reform. If we don't develop our own energy supply it will subtract from our wealth. Using less is not a bad idea, but when it's the only idea it is a problem.

The fixed asset that affects us all the most is the power plant. They presently burn coal, natural gas, fuel oil and Atomic power. Natural gas and fuel oil are also used to heat our homes. The only hope for short term there is natural gas. Hydrogen could be mixed with the natural gas. The pipelines are in place but furnaces would need a miner modification to operate on pure hydrogen.

The city of San Diego California has hydrogen available at some locations. They have another asset that is not being used it is a Navy station. Our atomic submarines arrive there all the time. What we should do is hook their reactors to hydrogen generation units. These small reactors are the real solution for getting started on energy independence. The military reactors need to be declassified and made available for civilian use. Any reactors and mothballs should be released for civilian use. Contract should be released for the construction of these reactors for land use. I've stated this before; I don't see many greens sailors running around on these ships and submarines in spite of the fact that they sleep right next to the reactor.

The Army Corps of Engineers takes care of our waterways. I believe we should start a Navy Corps of Engineers; they can take care of the small reactors. They can be placed in small towns and operated as a small local power station. The rural electrification program started from the large cities and moved into the small ones. This program would work the opposite way.

Large nuclear reactors are presently under discussion. Finished construction will take time. We could start with the small towns and small reactors now. When the big reactors are finished we can move to the big town. Every reactor should have a hydrogen generating facility associated with it. Any windmill or solar panel farm or hydroelectric generating facility should also be assigned to generating hydrogen. This will increase domestic power and hydrogen will start flowing.There also is a small reactor on the civilian market.


Conceived at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the HPM intellectual property portfolio was licensed to Hyperion Power Generation for commercialization under the laboratory's technology transfer program. Inherently safe, and self moderating, the HPM utilizes the energy of low-enriched uranium fuel and meets all the non-proliferation criteria of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP). Permanently sealed and never opened on site, each unit produces 70 MWt, or 27 MWe when connected to a steam turbine - enough to provide electricity for 20,000 average American-size homes or the industrial equivalent. Approximately 1.5 meters wide by 2 meters tall, the units can be transported by ship, rail or truck and produce power for five to seven years depending on usage.

New Small, Transportable Nuclear Power

Hyperion Power Generation

For the purpose of this blog which I call “Step One” I will concentrate on the areas that can start making us energy independent and hold prices down fast. I talked above about atomic power. Even the small units will take time. There is something we could do right away in preparation for it to come online. We can start switching all internal combustion engine vehicles over to natural gas. Newly manufactured vehicles should use methane fuel cells.

These converted units will run cleaner than gasoline powered engines. In the future natural gas will be mixed with hydrogen. It will be cleaner yet. Trucks with diesel engines can run on bio degradable diesel (vegetable Oil). New pipeline distribution systems need to be installed. The plan being to use natural gas in the beginning, and slowly switch over to hydrogen as it becomes available. Technically we have answers for the short term and the long term. As demand increases, other sources of hydrogen will be available.

Presently the government has a fuel economy standard that they are trying impose on the car manufacture. The Bush administration had relaxed this standard. As I stated earlier this is not a political document. It strikes me however that relaxing the standard continued our addiction to oil. With the rest of the world becoming more and more our competitor in a supply and demand market the price will go up!!!

I hear you asking Bob, what are other countries doing anything about energy independence?

Japan has started installing a Hydrogen distribution system. They also are producing internal combustion and turbine engines that will run on Hydrogen. These vehicles will not be exported to the US until there is a distribution system in place here. They will be fuel cell ready when they come on line. Even little Thailand, switching over to hydrogen.

I hear Mr. Obama talking about clean coal and very little about Fuel Cells and nothing about Hydrogen. All the Fuel Cells in the world won't work without natural gas or hydrogen distribution. To me it is like the interstate highway system or rural electrification. It would never have happened without government intervention.

The only country in the world that is now energy independence (It may surprise you) is Brazil. They have done it by removing the taxes from Ethanol and Bio Degradable diesel. They also mandated the oil companies to invest in these products and to keep the prices below gasoline.

Special tax breaks are given for companies that invest in alternative fuel sources.. They also built a major dam and have started several Atomic plants. Ford has a major manufacturing plant in Brazil. Ford has just made a profit without bail out money or a government takeover.

This has a positive effect, resilient oil companies. They will really be in the energy business. Those pensions will be safe when the oil runs out.

Even the new hybrid cars have a gas engine to charge the batteries. It can run on natural gas or hydrogen.

My recommendation for a first step is to start putting this country first. Put us on an energy development path that will guarantee our success for the next 250 years. There is a rule in physics “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”. Iraq is winding down. The reaction to our success and the death of our troops will be competition for Iraqi oil.

We most get independent as fast as possible. Jimmy Carter called it the moral equivalent of war. I believe this statement to be true but would state it this way "It is a weapon of economic war". When we win the war on terror the war for energy will be bigger than ever. The time for action is now!!!

I would like to see us follow the example that Brazil has set. Ethanol can be 40% percent Alcohol. That’s 40% of home grown product. Get the Moon Shiners fired up.

Our very success spreading economic growth around the world causes our trade in balance to grow. It also makes them our competitor. They need energy to produce the products they sell us. This in turn raises their standard of living thus more energy is required; and so on and so on.

I feel the countries fuel supply like the interstate highway system affects or quality of life. If we wait for market pressures to make it happen the world will pass us by. Our main competitor is a Communist dictatorship two billion strong. If they were taking our land we would fight back. Energy as an invasion is a hard concept to grasp. Like terrorism it is hard to pin down. Yet we most defend ourselves. It really is war.

That’s my thoughts. What do you think?

Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com

Monday, August 10, 2009


Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com

I see an opportunity for Mr. Obama to make a real mark on our future. We need a clean, low cost, multiuse, storable, plentiful, reusable energy source now! One that will create good jobs and improve our standard of living. Everything in our life uses energy in one form or another. Lowcost energy would reduce the cost of everything!!!

I hear you saying, come on, Bob. That is a dream. No such energy source exists!

My answer is that it does exist. It is hydrogen. We get it from water and other sources. It can be burned in a heating system, or pass through a fuel cell to generate electricity. Even internal combustion vehicles can run on it and also jet engines. When we use it we get water, which we can use over and over. There is no other fuel in the world that once you use it with a little energy. You can get it back again!

If we believe in this country we most think for this country. It may sound selfish but we must come first. We must realize that terrorism is only part of the war we are fighting. Energy is the key to our way of life. Without it our economy stops. It affects everyone's life in a very profound way. It is being used by our enemies as a weapon against us. Maybe the term enemies could be replaced by “countries looking out for their own interest.

We should not be asked to reduce our energy use. We should develop a low-cost, abundant fuel that will allow us to do whatever we want to do. Drive whatever we want to drive. Fly whatever we want to fly. Have a powerful car if you want one.

We have the technology. It has existed for years. I believe its development has been blocked by what I call the oil damn. And yes, I mean damn. If hydrogen were online now, those oil rigs would be rusting away.

China has 2 billion people all wanting to drive SUVS. If we include India the total is about 3 1/2 billion. The energy requirement for the total of 3 1/2 billion people has already surpassed ours. We are only 310 million people.

We are told, it is a sin for 310 million people to be using so much of the world's energy. I say, that is what made us great. The trick is to use our own energy. These multi-national energy companies have got to go back to the 50s and start exporting our energy to the world again. When we start exporting energy the jobs will be here. The world population is growing and developing countries are going to need energy.

Hillary Clinton has just concluded a major arms deal with India. It is the biggest in the history of the world. That means jobs in this country. A little known fact about the deal is the two atomic reactors American companies get to build in India. General Electric is one of those companies. We have not built a new reactor in this country in 30 years. The rest of the world is moving right on past us. There are thousands of them being built all over the world. Our own Navy has hundreds of them all classified.

China is now our greatest competitor for the world’s energy and is aggressively pursuing more energy. If we don’t use our technology and work hard to get energy independent as soon as possible we could be facing a real disaster. It is like an invasion with no one firing a shot. It is a national emergency.

Our elected officials are supposed to represent us not just their own reelection. State projects, such as bridges to nowhere or highways that go to the same place, are fine when it comes to getting reelected but won’t do very well without the energy to use them. I see grand medical plans being developed. The Cap & Trade program being pushed forward at lightning speed.

If I owned an oil company I would be pushing this bill as hard as I could. Carbon Credits being sold on the stock exchange guarantees that every drop of oil will be squeezed out of the ground before we go to something as practical as hydrogen.

I have this practice of giving everything the grand kids test. What kind of a country would you like to leave behind for them to live in? What is worth them fighting and dying for? Energy is an item that meets this test. However, I would rather spend tax money now to develop alternate energy sources so our grandchildren don’t have to die latter trying to defend someone else’s oil well. That will be the end result, if we don't develop an alternate fuel source now.

I realize our government has said we are not in Iraq for oil. I for one hope we are. We have competition from the rest of the world to obtain the oil that we need to move forward with our life style. China has made deals with Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela.

Those tankers that presently cross the ocean carrying LP and LNG should be going the other way, carrying hydrogen.

We think Communism died when Russia collapsed. I am sorry to tell you it is alive and well right in our hemisphere. Mexico could be next. Many of these countries, their only source of income is oil. Without us and the rest of the world using their oil they would have no income. They would be very happy if we imposed cap and trade on our selves. In fact, I believe they would rejoice.

Oil was discovered around 1850 in Pennsylvania then in Texas about 20 years later. Most homes until the Second World War ended around 1946 or 47 we used coal. We then started converting to oil. This put a drain on our oil supply. We exported the excess until the 1960s. That’s when our needs started to exceed our production. We gave them our money in exchange for their oil. The availability of oil on the world market has continued to satisfy our needs since then. It is only recently that world demand has started to approach ours. Our push to industrialize the world has created our own monster. Now the proposal is to return to cool again.

Those of you that have read my other Blogs know I keep mentioning the two billion Chinese waiting to drive cars. They are developing and industrialized economy and we are helping them do it. Our politicians keep telling us about the great business opportunity they represent yet the trade imbalance continues to grow.

The price of gas at the pump will continue to go up and down. When it is up the public will complain and when it goes down the furor will stop. It is hardly noticed that the average price never goes down.

It is easy to blame the oil companies for price fixing until you look at the big picture. Oil is getting harder to obtain. It is costing more to find and obtain. The equipment necessary gets more and more costly. The only area of the world where it continues to be economical to pump oil is the Middle East, an area that is politically unstable. There is also transportation costs involved in getting it here. This is a region that doesn't like us much.

Shipping companies are building larger and larger tankers. Where they sail is not important. They will go to the highest bidder. We are fighting a war in Iraq and our people are dying. All the rest of the world has to do is sit back and wait for us to leave then buy the oil.

I am not so naive that I believe that becoming energy independent will make the world leave us alone. To the contrary, if we don’t maintain an aggressive posture many of the leaders, especially in the Middle East will look on it as a sign of weakness. The old term “Paper Tiger” comes to mind.

It is difficult to understand an ego that believes that he or she should run the world, but they keep popping up. I will be 75 this June and for my whole life they just keep coming. I see no reason to believe, in anything like a foreseeable future, it will stop.

The USA being energy independence will take a very powerful weapon out of their hands, our money. We build stealth aircraft and spend billions for the development. It is time to put energy in the same category. It is a weapon. We should think of it that way. If we obtain it from others. They can use our money against us.

If we are independent, we will take the money out of their hands that they are using to kill our soldiers. Instead of guns and planes, we should be investing in hydrogen. It affects every man woman and child in the USA. If you think 9/11 was bad this could be worse.

I disagree with the statement that all democracies are peaceful. It depends on who is elected. Take a look a Venezuela, They have and are making deals with China.

More than half off South America is colored red or at least pink. Next is Central America the same thing is happening there. Communism has a good chance in Mexico.

We can replace many things that we now get from others but energy is not one of them. Unless we act now it will become our biggest problem. Why wait for a preemptive strike. Our energy supply is under attack. It is time to strike back before it becomes a full-fledged war!!!! The Roman Empire collapsed because they started relining on others. We are in the same trap.

We must develop hydrogen. It is the fuel of the future. When everything else runs out hydrogen will be there. This proposal for carbon credits being sold on the stock market is ridiculous. It will hold up the development of hydrogen. Who will put money into a new fuel source after they have paid for the carbon credits?

If man is causing global warming. It makes no sense to allow him to purchase credits. That allowed them to keep on producing CO2. Let’s stop it completely. Hydrogen is a multiuse fuel. There is nothing that man is presently driving flying in or using on the water that can use hydrogen as a fuel.

Energy base of our survival is being taken away by others. We can’t just sit around and wait. It is time for action. The new movement to clean up natural gas by removing CO2 from it is only a halfway measure. The question is, where we put the CO2 we took out of it. Right now it is being dumped into the ocean. Hydrogen use will add water to the ocean, not carbolic acid.

Mr. Obama keeps talking about clean coal. This approach is not practical, and even if it was. Why should we do it when there is another fuel that we don't have to make clean? He also does not consider where the coal will come from. We have it in the ground in the Midwest that is true. Do we really want it strip mined? Those giant ugly gashes in the ground don't need to be there.

Putting money into clean coal is a waste and does not solve the problem. At present, it does not exist. The technology to produce hydrogen does exist. NASA uses it all the time. Let's solve the whole problem and take the leap to hydrogen. It is the most abundant element in the universe. We have lots of natural gas pipelines already in the ground. They can be converted easily. There are some programs out there right now that are playing around with hydrogen. But in less direction comes from the White House, the way John Kennedy did when we went to the moon. It will not go forward to many people have too much money invested in oil.

A total hydrogen production system could be sold to others. They will soon be facing the same thing that we are right now. Carbon-based fuels are running out. It may not be in our lifetime, but it will happen. So let's jump ahead and stop using them now. No carbon credits, they will stop the development of a truly clean fuel.

We need atomic power to develop the hydrogen, and electricity. As I stated above, the hydrogen is a multiuse fuel, but best of all. It is clean. Even our lawn mowers can use it. The exhaust will water the grass.

With a system like this in place, we will be energy independent. We can no longer be threatened. We need energy to grow and energy to live. Clean energy is the best. If you don't believe in global warming just drive behind a bus in the city. You will be for clean air. If you want to have a big heavy vehicle, no one will care as long as you can pay for it.

Energy really is a weapon. A very useful weapon when it is in our hands. No more stealth bombers let's develop hydrogen. When they don't have our money it will do more damage than any bomber. Let's declare it a weapon and put it online now. It is a war that we are in, and hydrogen is a unique weapon, but it will make us win it.

That’s my thoughts. What do you think?

Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com

It is casually mentioned by our candidates. No one in power in the US really considers it seriously. The Japanese and other countries are betting their future on hydrogen and Atomic power. Honda is bringing a Hydrogen fuel cell car into full production at the end of this year. I believe Hydrogen is the only portable fuel we should be using. The trouble is it is being pushed off into the future by big oil. If action is not taken now it will be way off in the future.

The new Cap & trade bill that just passed the House of Representatives contains provisions for the sale of carbon credits. Once this trade is introduced, the chances for going over to hydrogen will be reduced considerably. It strikes me if you're going to go green. Why not go all the way. If you believe man is causing global warming. Why sell carbon credits? Why not reduce these fuels to zero.

There are applications where it can be used TODAY!! Even your existing automobile can be converted to hydrogen. Those big gas guzzlers would have water coming out of their tailpipe not CO2.

Let's take a look at Hydrogen itself. I will try here not to get very technical. We all know the problem with science is it tends to be very dry and boring except to the scientist.

Hydrogen at Earth temperatures is a gas. It is the most abundant element in the whole universe and the fuel that our Sun uses every day to heat and light the earth. It is two parts of the water that is extremely abundant on our planet. It is part of coal and oil. They are Hydrocarbons. It is even two thirds of you and me.

The question that arises is, if it is so abundant why aren't we using it for fuel now? The answer is very simple it does not exist in any abundance alone. It is always combined with other atoms. An example is water, H2O. Two parts Hydrogen one part Oxygen. In order to obtain Hydrogen from water, energy must be used.

One common process is called electrolysis. Electrical energy is applied to water, which separates into Hydrogen and oxygen. We can then use the Hydrogen and Oxygen separately. Hydrogen can also be generated from other sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. When Hydrogen is combined with Oxygen energy is released, and we get back the water we started with. This operation can be set up anywhere in the world where there is water and electricity. It does not require an oil well or expensive oil rig. Hydrogen can be generated from the windmill or solar panels. Hydroelectric generators are fine. By compressing hydrogen and putting it in storage tanks. It will work just like a storage battery. Windmills and solar cell outputs can only be stored in batteries. Batteries are DC our power grid is AC. There is only so much energy that can be stored in a battery and then you must use another battery. Batteries are expensive and contain dangerous elements that, if not exposed of correctly are poisonous. If you were generating hydrogen all you would need is a bigger tank. Carbon composition tanks have been developed, that is stronger and safer and lighter than steel tanks.

Solar panels only work when there is sunshine. That makes them very inefficient. If during the day we would a siphon off some of the output from the solar panels. We could use it to produce hydrogen, which could be used during the nighttime hours. This would make the solar panels more effective.

Hydrogen sounds really nice. So why aren't we using it now?

The electricity that we are using two separate Hydrogen and Oxygen is coming from a power plant or from natural gas. The power plant is using coal, gas or oil. We need a primary fuel source to obtain the Hydrogen. It defeats some of the purpose of hydrogen if you use a fossil fuel to generate it. Every windmill and solar panel bank needs to be equipped with hydrogen generation equipment. Any type of electrical generation system would benefit from the use of hydrogen. The Hydrogen stores the energy in high pressure storage tanks in this process. The lead or lithium cell stores the energy in the storage battery. These storage batteries must be disposed of in environmental way. The lead and lithium are poison. Hydrogen is the world’s only nonpolluting storage battery.

This brings up another question. What have we gained if we go to Hydrogen?

The answer to that question lies much deeper than just the use of hydrogen to run an automobile. The very basis to our economy and the success of the United States as a nation is based on our use of energy. Without energy this country cannot remain great. It is the most important thing required for use to sustain our way of living!!! Saving energy is not the answer! Using it in a way that has the least impact on us and the planet is. Hydrogen is only real answer to this statement and should be on a very fast track. It is obvious that this is true. We are 350 million people, and according to the latest statistics. We are using 25% of the world’s oil.

Five years ago we were using 40%. This is not due to us using less it is others using more of this limited resource that has made the change. The rest of the world population is 5.7 billion people. All wanting to drive RVs. Oil is a limited supply item. It may not run out in our lifetime, but it will run out and very, very soon. The whole world needs oil and are looking at ours. It’s time to break this dependency and jump past them all. We need a real energy policy!! Not just oil, and the nonexistent clean coal!!!

The supply of oil is dwindling. Our grandkids or great grandkids are going to face a real dilemma. The fact that the supply is limited is not the only reason for the price increases. There are speculators that push the price up. We are drilling offshore or in the Arctic. Coal is being strip mined in Montana. It can't be found in easy areas anymore. Oil shale and other similar sources ruin the beauty of this planet. The cost of obtaining the oil continues to increase. The very terrorists that we are fighting around the world are getting funded by our own money. Referring to T. Boon Pickings "It is the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen". It is very obvious that other energy sources are needed and needed now. Believe it or not you can generate Hydrogen at home.

We can no longer consider coal and oil the only sources of energy. We have different needs for energy. Some of them are stationary, others are mobile, and some fly through the air or sail our oceans. The only fuel source that can be used by them all is hydrogen!!

Hydrogen is used as a major fuel source for our space program. It's what makes our rockets go. There is no reason for it not to be used to make our jet planes fly. Think about it. You can go to Cape Canaveral after a rocket lifts off and there is no smell even after millions of tons of fuel have been consumed. Try that at any airport after a jet has lifted off. NASA is getting the hydrogen from somewhere how about giving some to us the tax payer.

We the tax payer has paid to develop this technology. Why should we not benefit from it? Under Eisenhower we build the interstate highway system. Why not an interstate energy system?

Again another question, does Hydrogen answer all of the energy needs of the world future? The answer to that question is no, it can’t stand alone and needs other energy sources to produce it. It is, however, an extremely important part of a practical approach to the energy problem. We have the need for both mobile and stationary fuel use. The stationary energy sources need to produce the fuel for the mobile energy users. There are many nonpolluting stationary energy sources, and any of which can be used to generate hydrogen. The hydrogen can be transported by using the existing natural gas lines. Propane trucks with a converted nozzle will work just fine. We need to start this transition now.

We do have the ability to produce it with existing technology. It can be generated using oil or natural gas for use in all our moving vehicles, trucks, cars, buses, airplanes etc. Why wait for windmills or atomic power plants to be built to start using Hydrogen? As more of the non polluting power plants come on line the hydrogen will be already flowing. If we don't do it at the same time it will just take longer. It would sure clean up the air in our cities, if only the busses ran on Hydrogen. I see no difference between building an interstate highway system so our commerce could move to building a interstate energy system. The more pipes in the ground the larger the storage capacity will be.

Hydrogen is a storage medium not a fuel source. Like a giant storage battery once the Hydrogen is generated it will store that energy forever. Every pipeline full of Hydrogen is a pipe line full of clean energy. There are multiple sources of, none polluting, renewable energy or limitless sources available to us that could generate it. There is wind power, atomic power, solar power, tidal power, geothermal power. Good jobs and clean air will be the result. America the beautiful can remain that way.

I believe it is not our ingenuity stopping the use of these different power sources. It is the entrenched use and investment in oil that is working like a giant dam. It is stopping our expansion in other energy areas. These companies have too much money invested. They want to scare us about other sources of energy. They are even after our retirees saying their pension are dependent on them.

When Hydrogen is generated it can replace gas or oil in almost every application. In one very big user that there is no other clean answer. It is jet, turbine and internal combustion engines. That old clunker converted to hydrogen would become a clean running vehicle.

How about one of these secret government facilities that keep on rolling out better spy planes surprising us and roll out a Hydrogen powered jet?

T. Boone Pickens a diehard oil man has made a proposal. It is the first crack in the oil dam that I have seen. To learn more about his proposal I've included his web address, and I'm not going to discuss it in much detail here.


One of the things he wants to do is to increase the use of natural gas which means more pipelines. The second is the installation of windmills down the middle of the United States where wind is very prevalent. This means jobs and no cost fuel for the turbines. I believe he has one installed. How about out of the goodness of his heart he puts a hydrogen generating facility next to it!!! Windmills have the same problem as solar cells. They can have dead time. A common practice is to charge storage batteries. I propose they generate hydrogen instead and put in the new carbon composition storage tanks. This way all you need is a vehicle with a fuel cell and it and away you go power for the furnace and your vehicle. Fuel cells can also be used to power the lighting plants in your house and your other appliances.

He has been criticized for only mentioning things that would benefit his pocket. I however do not see it that way. I think it is an excellent first step. Nothing stops other entrepreneurs from taking the electrical output from his wind turbines and generating Hydrogen and putting it into the existing natural gas pipelines. The average person does not realize that most pipelines are capable of multiple uses. The Pickens lines will be in place and ready for Hydrogen. But, the existing pipes can be used now!!!! Those same pipelines that contain natural gas could be diluted with hydrogen, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas output. The end goal being one hundred percent hydrogen. To me this is a national defense issue.

It is a little known fact that for many years. Our major cities used something called city or coal gas. It was obtained from coal. It was mostly Hydrogen. Due to the Hindenburg disaster the name was disguised.

When I talk to people about Hydrogen and the first words out of their mouth is: Hydrogen is an extremely dangerous gas. Remember the Hindenburg. I know there is no sense talking to that person anymore. They don't understand the science.

If you fill a balloon with a flammable gas and light a match next to it. It's going to burn. If the balloon is as big as the Hindenburg it's going to be a big fire. Steel or carbon composition tanks have improved considerably since then.

Natural gas is as explosive as and more dangerous than Hydrogen. Hydrogen is extremely light, and if a leak occurs it will go up and blow away. However, natural gas or propane will hang around and go down until it finds an ignition source. Burn natural gas or propane, and they release CO2. When hydrogen burns, it turns into water.

I started this Blog by saying the Japanese and other countries have bet their future on Hydrogen. How are they doing this? The French and the Japanese are using Atomic energy as their primary energy source. In Japan the energy generated by the Atomic power plants is being used to generate Hydrogen that will be distributed through pipelines presently being installed in Japan. This has been a long term plan for them. We have no such plan. If you would like to see the distribution of Atomic power across the world look at the map below or for more detail visit:


I think the number of Atomic power plants presently in existence and where they are located will surprise you. It really is a very safe method of generating power. The map you will find on this website was generated in 2005. At that time it was over a thousand reactors operating. Now it's about 1500. How many accidents do you hear about?

It's like the Hindenburg, 3 mile Island and Chernobyl happen over and over again in people's minds. We continue to build nothing and are told it'll take 10 years to complete one. Obviously this is a lie. That is the oil dam talking. We are building aircraft carriers and submarines, and many other military installations and putting reactors in them and they take a year maybe two to complete. The people on the ships and submarines live within feet of the reactors. Let's declassify them and set them up in small-town America. The aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan has up electrical power to light up a small city. It has the ability to it connect to the shore and supply this energy in an emergency.

I know we are being had by the oil dam. I look at a wind farm and I see multiple fans turning. Why do we want to build a super reactor that takes 10 years? When we could take proven reactors out of the submarines and aircraft carriers and start building small reactors that we could add to as we go. This is the way they build a wind farm. ( I FORGOT THEY ARE CLASSIFIED) The military also has stock piles of radioactive material that could be used in reactors.

I repeat we are being had! Remember for every Atomic plant that goes on line that’s off shore oil we do not need!!! A a strip mine we won't have to dig. The entrenched oil industry looses business. By off shore I mean, not just drilling, all the way to the Middle East and the rest of the world. We should be the leaders in the area of non fossil fuel power generation. A great high tech business could be created selling the technology to the rest of the world. That is the real way to stop any affect we may have on globule warming. It also is the best way to win the war on terror. We should treat it as a war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because it is!!!

If we all stop driving our vehicles tomorrow morning, the other 5.7 billion will not. It is a wasted effort. Putting clean energy in the hands of developing nations would give us jobs. Whether or not there is globule warming? Both sides should be happy. The air in the cities of the world would be cleaner!! I ask why we want to import something that sends billions of dollars overseas so they can buy bullets to shoot at us.

I can hear your question. What is the answer?

The average person wants to get in his car and away it goes without breaking the bank. He or she wants to turn on the hair dryer or air conditioner and not have sticker shock when the electric bill comes in. These may seem like small things but they are the things that make our life better than most of the world. The funny thing about democracy is it only works well when it has abundant energy. That is why for some countries democracy gives the basic people nothing. There still is no running water.

I would like to hear one of our candidates make energy the top of his list for things to solve. A presidential order releasing the military reactors for private use would be a good start. Look what happened when the military let loose of the Internet! (It once was classified)

A group of cash prizes for the companies that develop the first practical hydrogen powered jet engine, better storage batteries, better solar panels anything that helps remove our dependence on oil. Most of all a real push on getting Hydrogen on line.

The military reactors presently in moth balls should be given to small localities for their use. We paid for them. We have the US Army corps of Engineers taking care of our water ways. Why not a Navy corps of engineers helping set up the small reactors? They have the most experience with them. It could work like the thirties rural electrification project. The requirement would be that at least half of the power generated would be used to generate Hydrogen.

Yes we should drill for oil. Just giving leases on an area does not cut it. They should be areas with the shortest recovery rate. The leases should also contain the condition that a certain amount of corporate profit be used to develop hydrogen friendly projects. Excess profit taxes just don't get us anywhere! The government will just eat the money and the power problem will not be fixed. Forcing the major oil companies to help develop new energy sources will! It will give us more and better jobs also. The companies would have new products and the pensions would be safe!!!!!!

This also will cause the oil speculators to start looking for other investments. The money would soon become available for Hydrogen development.

The old statement "It's the economy stupid" would be satisfied. Without energy there is no economy!! This most be a national program. Without we the people pushing it will not go.

The Japanese have a plan and are working hard at accomplishing it. It's a national effort for them. We need a national leader that does the same for us. We need a leader like John Kennedy that took us to the moon. If we can go to the Moon why can't we solve the energy crises? I repeat it is the OIL DAM!!!

Our candidates have no energy plan. The Bush administration said they had one but kept it secret. There is nothing to make us energy independent let alone give us limitless power so we can continue to have the life style we all enjoy and remain the greatest nation on earth. The technology exists so why not use it?

We call ourselves a democracy but in truth we are a republic. That means we elect our leaders to think for us. I hear such comments being made that we should be ashamed of not speaking multiple languages. I wonder what would be better. Learning multiple languages or studying enough science to overcome the misguided fear of atomic or hydrogen power. Could it be that someone learning science could solve the energy crises or could speaking another language do it?

Energy is the base to the saying "It is the economy stupid" No energy no economy!! We once killed whales for their blubber to use in our lamps. It is again time to move on!!


Complete Vikingbobs words List
Email: vikingbobs@yahoo.com